

2019-05-01 10:34栏目:新闻
TAG: 海豹


The emotional attachments formed with this particular robot caregiver is quite astounding.


In the United States, several companies: Ageless Innovation, Tombot, Hasbro and Sony are marketing a slew of robotic companion pets to the loved ones of the elderly. “Paro”, a companion seal pup has shown to calm seniors. Aibo Robot Dog comes with internet connectivity and facial recognition. These robotic pets often cost thousands of dollars with advanced features.

美国的几家公司——Ageless Innovation,Tombot,Hasbro,Sony——正在向老年人推销一系列机器宠物伴侣。Paro,一种海豹幼崽形式的机器人伴侣,可以让老年人平静下来。Aibo Robot Dog,能够连接互联网,并进行面部识别。这些具有高级功能的宠物机器人通常需要花费数千美元才能获得。

On the more affordable end, Ageless Innovation’s Joy For All Companion pets mimics movements and sounds of real pets for around $100. The more affordable models of these robotic pets are popular with both the aging population as well as with kids. In recent years, there are buying guides on Youtube and product reviews on Amazon as the trend of robotic pets proliferate.

在消费领域的平民端,Ageless Innovation推出的Joy For All Companion可以模仿真实宠物的动作和声音,但是花费只需要约100美元左右。这些机器宠物越实惠,也就越受到老年人和孩子们的欢迎。近年来,随着机器宠物的流行,Youtube和亚马逊上出现了一些购买指南。

Can robotic pets replace real pets? Should robotic pets replace real pets?In a study conducted by the researchers from Purdue University and the University of Washington to evaluate the effectiveness of companionship offered by Sony robotic dog to children ages 7 to 15, the study concluded with findings suggesting caution in the assumption of using a robot pet as a substitute as a therapy animal.


Although robot pets can alleviate loneliness for seniors in institutionalized settings, our relationship with these robot pets still needs to be studied. Robot pets still have great limitations as compared to a real four-legged friend.


For instance, the experience of human or animal touch is different from the experience of robot touch. Although robots can mimic empathetic behaviors, they are still just mimicking the behaviors. Real empathy in both pets and humans are the basis of real relationship building. It is this real empathy that serves as the foundation of a good caregiver for both children and the elderly.


Although technology has advanced enough to help us manage our aging population, we, as people, from an ethical point of view need to evaluate whether it’s necessary to replace human or pet interactions with robotic interactions. Perhaps, robots are here only to help us and to assist us to take care of our elderly and our children. Our elderly and our children still need our human interactions to make their lives as fulfilling as possible.
